
Are You Getting a Fair Quote For Commercial Cleaning?


In general, a commercial cleaning company wants to help keep your office healthy, safe, and professional, and they know that treating you fairly creates a win-win relationship. However, some companies are just out to make a dollar, and they're not above charging way too much. Here's how to make sure you're working with an honest, reliable company and getting a fair quote!

The Importance of a Clean Office During Flu Season

Employee sneezing at desk

While colds and the flu are running rampant, it is more important than ever to have a clean office. Daily precautions can be taken to avoid spreading a cold throughout the entire office.

The Benefits of Janitorial Services

close up of woman mopping floor with apron and gloves, background is 3 members of the janitorial team cleaning office

When it comes to keeping your facility clean, tidy, and healthy, you definitely don't want to go in alone. Instead, your best bet is to hire janitorial services--and here's why!

Why Use Professional Cleaning Services In Your Office?


Every business wants to improve efficiency, protect the budget, and strengthen customer service. There are all kinds of ways to do that, of course, but did you know that one simple thing you can do is hire a cleaning service to give your office a proper scrubbing? It sounds too easy and too good to be true, but those are the facts. Read on to find out what this one pain-free choice does for your company.

The Importance of Maintaining Clean Windows

Why are your windows in your office something you should be worrying about? Well for one, it’s your gateway to the outside world, a temporary means of escape from the drag of the office. But it’s also what your customers see as part of your storefront and presentation to the outside world. You want to be able to make a good impression on clients, customers, and potential clients.

Five Minutes to a Cleaner Office

woman cleaning counter with sponge

Do you have five minutes? Then you have just enough time to take a few simple steps toward a cleaner, healthier, and more productive office! Here are some quick cleaning tips to make a big difference.

Stay Ahead of Cold and Flu Season at Work

Boise Commercial Cleaning Service

Cold and Flu season will soon be upon us! Now is the best time to start your professional office cleaning to ensure that your employees stay protected from the threats that you cannot see. When one employee gets sick, it is only a matter of time before more individuals within your office become contaminated. Keeping your office clean is one major step in preveting the spread of the cold and flu. 

Essential Floor Cleaning Services for Every Business

commercial cleaning

No one wants to walk into a business with a dirty floor. After all, if they leave their floors so dirty, what other problems are they letting go on? To keep your business' floor from driving customers away, and embarrassing your employees, you need regular commercial cleaning services.